Thanks to my Shelflife blog post (here), John Hamlin from the (then) lost 90s UK band Autumn Parade has been in close contact. As I said in that first post, I’ve been a fan since hearing the two tracks “Julia Blue” and “White Sand” on the “Expo 1” compilation in 1992. Well John has now released an EP available at iTunes for those very tracks, plus two other unreleased songs “Phased” and “Skylight” (also recorded in 1992). All are available to preview on the band’s myspace page and you can purchase them here!
And more good news, John says there’s another iTunes EP coming soon that will feature more tracks from the early 90s recording sessions (aka the “Indian Ocean” album that was never released). I haven’t heard any of these songs yet, but I can’t wait to.
Order Autumn Parade EP
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